Sparkle Hustle Grow | October 2018 Unboxing

The theme for the month of October 2018 is “BOSS.” I wasn’t sure how exactly to take that, but I was excited by the spoiler that Julie posted in the private SHG Facebook community about giving everyone a life coach.

A Peek Inside

The tools in this box were geared towards the home office with pleasantly colored pushpins, paper clips, and small binder clips by poppin, a heavy duty pair of scissors, and a highlighter with an eraser (I didn’t even know they made these!). It also had a Sparkle Hustle Grow pink tote with the slogan “hustle with heart” and a smaller pouch. There is also a $10 credit to Wickbox, another cool monthly subscription based on candles – you fill out a survey to pick your preferences and the company curates the perfect scent experience for you.

I actually had to dump the entire box to get to the book at the bottom, sending crinkly paper everywhere and making all of my cats dreams come true. Finally, I got to Spitting Fire: Your Guide to Reignite and Maintain Your Passion at Home, Work and Beyond by Lauren LeMunyan. The online training is for “Create your next income stream: Masters of Marketplace” and then there was a bonus training on “Subscription Box Basics” by the head honcho herself Julie Ball. October marks Sparkle Hustle Grow’s two year anniversary and is celebrated with two trainings for that month. I did not know this and just thought I was special. *Sigh*

Initial Impressions

It will be interesting to have Lauren LeMunyan in the Facebook group and I am hoping there is a fair amount of utilization based on her skillsets. Most of the people in the group divulged that they had read the book already making me think that this is a really quick read. I am ready for a motivational book that is easy-to-read and entertaining. I feel like I will not have a lot of use for the trainings personally, especially the subscription box one, but I do think that these would be useful for most entrepreneurs as they work through their business model. I will go into both with an open mind and who knows?, maybe I will walk away with some new ideas. New ideas always sprout from the oddest of places.

I know pretty quickly that I will use the highlighter and the scissors immediately. I have a cheap-o pair of generic scissors that leave a lot to be desired and the weight of these new scissors alone has me thrilled about the longevity of these new ones. I also usually go through tote bags really cute and this one will be really cute the next time I go into a coffee shop to carry some lite supplies.

In a few weeks, I will revert back and give my final opinions on what I used and what I didn’t. I could see most of these supplies being useful for a home office, but I don’t typically work at home often enough to find myself reaching for paperclips or binder clips. I don’t even think I have corkboard that I would push these pins into, but I am sure I can find a good use for them or I will end up donating them.

Sparkle Hustle Grow is a subscription box geared towards female entrepreneurs. I bought this subscription on my own and the review that I have written above contains my personal opinions about this service and this particular box. If you are interested in joining the Sparkle Hustle Grow community and subscription service, I do have a handy referral link available for you!

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